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تهــران بلوار فردوس


Automate & Simplify The Whole Process

Automate & Simplify The Whole Process We Offer Solutions to Develop Better Strategies

Build Beautiful Websites

Financial Analysis

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Build Beautiful Websites

Research Managment

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Build Beautiful Websites

Investment Trade

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Build Beautiful Websites

Planning Strategies

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Build Beautiful Websites

On-Going Reporting

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Build Beautiful Websites

Technology Consulting

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Integrated Management , Process, and change Technologies


We are a global management consulting firm that serves a private, public and social business sectors . We help our clients make significant and and realize their most important goals.

Advanced Business Solutions

Build Beautiful Websites
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Increase Your Online Presence

Build Beautiful Websites
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Become Successful & Superior

Build Beautiful Websites
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Start up your New Career Ventures With Nova Inc

Nova is one of the world’s best business consulting firms. We help global leaders with their organization’s most critical issues and opportunities.

Build Beautiful Websites


That empathy of business ownership creates the relationship they required to actually make a difference.
Build Beautiful Websites


Over 20 years we have been advising a diverse range of businesses on how they can find a competitive advantage.
Build Beautiful Websites


We partner with clients to put recommendations into practice and work directly with them over the long-term.
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    Nova یکی از بهترین شرکت های مشاوره کسب و کار است. ما به رهبران جهانی در مورد حیاتی ترین مسائل سازمانشان کمک می کنیم. فرصت ها.

    ما در شرکت‌های جهانی در بخش‌های مختلف، عمدتاً در اروپا و سایر کشورها، سرمایه‌گذاری بلندمدت را هدف قرار می‌دهیم.

    درباره ما بیشتر بدانید
